Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012
Keberangkatan Bunda Ke Taiwan

Tanggal 11 Februari 2012 ini hari yang berat sekali. Ya, hari ini bunda akan berangkat ke Taiwan untuk sekolah S2 selama 2 tahun. Memang, bunda jarang keluar kota apalagi ke luar negeri. Namun, rasanya campur aduk, sedih, senang karena bunda dapat beasiswa di Chinese Culture University di Taiwan-Taipei. Kami bertiga berangkat naik taxi ke bandara. Di bandara, bunda mengurus bagasi. Namun ternyata barang yang dibawa terlalu banyak sehingga harus membayar lagi akhirnya, ayah pun membeli beberapa tas untuk bunda sebenarnya tas plastik karena darurat dan hanya ada tas plastik.Setelah mengurus kepentingan bagasi, bunda pun langsung berangkat. Aku dan ayah pun beranjak pulang ke bogor naik Damri. Di bus, aku tertidur dan sampai rumah rasanya sepi sekali namun, aku harus tetap menjalani hidupku dengan penuh semangat karena ini untuk kebaikan kami semua.
Minggu, 04 Maret 2012
Exhibition Event!!!

At 27-28 January 2012 finally come after all I try to do my exhibition process with good job.I` m happy because I can present all of my work. I`m so happy.. First day, I was ready and enthusias to present my work. At the first time, we have stage perfomance for the introduction.I dance Merak, We also sing Ekspresi-Titi DJ , Glee-I`ve gotta be me. Ya, I don`t feel nervest. After introduction I`ve already pass, I be the first people to introduce about our stand/booth and introduce about the topic or our process to Binus and Madania students.First Session, when I be the first to introduce,I introduce abour how to make healthy environment and good hygiene and the good nutrition also. Not forgot, to explain about our observation for 5 days that students having behavior not wash the hand before and after eating and for nutrition, 2 out of 5 person didn`t eat any vegetables for 5 days.We also explain about the Health Agents that we want to make that is an agent that making a good resolution to change the environment to be a good environment. In nutrition place, that`s Michella, we explein about the food that we give/we put there that`s bread, tuber, nuts, milk, fruits, and vegetables, etc. We also says, better if we eat whole wheat bread than the usually bread. At the first I`m done it for a good job. And, 2-3 session from Amal Kasih students, Also Grade 7-9 I do it for a good job, I be in games Michella explain it for the first person in the 2-3 session no problem and so good. But, there`s a little tiny problem cause, one of my friend want to help me to give the sovenir make Michella frustation/confious because she needs to handle nutrition also because one of my friend help me I understand, So crowded because many person want to play the ball and goal it in the ring made of stearofoam. All work good job :D And The Next Day.......

The first, as usual the action stage, I became a dancer as well Peacock Dance, we were all singing songs of Eksperesi, and I `ve gotta be me-Glee. I turn to in a place called nutritions or food, well ... I'm glad to Kampung Sawah students also funny .. there are like to blinking his eyes as I explained .. they are also very good and easy to communicate to the teacher I was amazed also that in village fields ....... wow ... I also tell the benefit of each food .... hahaha .... I'm glad today is the last day was a very close ... I like the mother and father are also pleased to see present job. However, one thing that I was still in doubt, my stand much less .... I'm worried about the increase in my class ... but I'm sure if today I'm not very good ... I fix it and I will do a better start today this also. Complete home exhibition, my mother took a walk in the mall over lunch at KFC .. yes I'm very hungry because I had done a lot in the stand even though it does not semeriah second day yesterday, is still busy .... There are also pictures with my visitors :)
Photo left, with my friend Michella. The right side of the health group photo Michella left,
Photo left, with my friend Michella. The right side of the health group photo Michella left,
Photo left, with my friend Michella. The right side of the health group photo Michella left,
Photo left, with my friend Michella. The right side of the health group photo Michella left,
Photo left, with my friend Michella. The right side of the health group photo Michella left,
Photo left, with my friend Michella. The right side of the health group photo Michella left, middle, me, right Cindy.
WALKING very smooth .... And, now I was to proceed to make the Health Agent ......
WALKING very smooth .... And, now I was to proceed to make the Health Agent ......
WALKING very smooth .... And, now I was to proceed to make the Health Agent ......
WALKING very smooth .... And, now I was to proceed to make the Health Agent ......
WALKING very smooth .... And, now I was to proceed to make the Health Agent ......
WALKING very smooth .... And, now I was to proceed to make the Health Agent ......My Holiday In Bandung
Go to BandungHi guys!!! At Thursday, 2 February 2012, I`m having holiday in Bandung. For Friday, I have permission from school for having holiday. I accompany my dad in Bandung. In there, my dad in order for working, My mom is in order to farewell Mr. Alam-Leader Of Comission in Indonesia because, my mom will go to Taipei in 11 February 2012 because my mom get scholarship to school in Chinese Culture University (CCU), And I was in order just follow hihihi....I go to Bandung after having course in MLC SBR. I go by charter car and the brand is VIOS. The name of the driver is Mr.Denni. In the street to Bandung, 1hour I ate rambutan fruit that pure from tree who take it is Mr. Udin. After ate, I sleep in the car. And, when I was wake up, I arrive in Padma Hotel.
· Arrive In Hotel...When I was arrive in the hotel, I immidietly clean my body and have a dinner the food is kerecek, noodle, and duck also the sambal ijo. After dinner, I watch the tv until I was sleep.
· Breakfast and Discuss With Ayah`s Friends....
Today, I have dinner. First, I eat 2 pancakes. Then, meatball, carrot pie, and cake. With breakfast, I discuss with ayah`s friends named Mr. Hari, Ms. Ani, And Mr. Sadwanto. There, I`m so happy, I can discuss and tell a story about Health Agents that I will make in my school. I can tell a story about my exhibition process. And, the results from this discussion, I get information/input from ayah friends is just handle 2 classes for Health Agent so, it`s easy and not hard to handle it. . And, my idea is so good because I want to public it in School Mading. I`m so happy. In right side is the photo of me and Ms.Ani And left side is the photo of me and Mr. Hari.
· Change Hotel...
After swimming, and having lunch I change hotel in "Sukajadi" hotel. Then, I sleep in that hotel because tired after swimming. Then, at night I have a dinner in Paris Van Java mall. After eat I buy new flat shoes in khaki-kakiku that colour of light tosca.
· The Next Day...
Today I will go home to Bogor. Before that, I go to Mr. Alam`s house. Today I have photo in Sukajadi Hotel. This is some of the photo. In the left side, me and my lovely mom and right side is me. The tiger actually it`s just a picture already...hahahha...... I`m the one who take a picture of it...when I see a good object I just capture it hahaha....

Go to Mr. Alam`s House
Before go home to, I go to Mr. Alam`s house first. There, I play dakon/congklak and soccer with Dik Aya and Dik Shafa. So Fun. We also give food to sparrow that the nest was falling down near Mr. Alam`s garden. After playing, I go home to Bogor. The left side is Dik Aya, right side is dik Shafa, in left down is me and dik shafa, and the center down we all.

Go Home To Bogor And Arrive In Bogor
After go to Mr. Alam`s home, My mom, dad, and of course me go home to Bogor by travel. I arrive at home at 11/12 o`clock. At home I immidietly eat, take a bath, and go to sleep. I Love My Holiday....
Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012
Liburan Selama 3 Hari 2 Malam Di Bandung
· Perjalanan Ke Bandung...
Halo teman-teman tanggal 2 Februari hari Kamis 2012, saya berlibur ke Bandung. Untuk hari Jum`at, saya ijin dari sekolah untuk libur. Saya menemani ayah saya di Bandung. Ayah disana dalam rangka dinas dari kantor, Bunda saya dalam rangka pamitan pada Om Alam- Ketua Komisi RI karena, bunda akan berangkat ke Taiwan-Taipei Tanggal 11 Februari 2012 karena bunda mendapat beasiswa di kampus Chinese Culture University (CCU), dan saya dalam rangka ikut-ikutan hihihi....Saya berangkat setelah les Mandarin di MLC SBR. Saya berangkat naik travel yang merk mobilnya VIOS. Nama supirnya adalah Pak Denni. Selama perjalanan, 1 jam saya memakan rambutan asli pohon yang dipetik oleh Pak Udin. Setelah makan, saya tertidur di mobil. Lalu, saat saya bangun sudah sampai di hotel Pandma.
· Sampai Hotel...Sampai hotel, saya langsung membersihkan badan lalu makan malam lauknya adalah kerecek, mie, dan bebek tak lupa sambal ijo. Setelah makan malam, saya menonton tv hingga tertidur.
· Sarapan dan Berdiskusi Dengan Teman Ayah...
Hari ini, aku sarapan. Pertama, aku memakan 2 pancake. Lalu, bakso, pie wortel, dan cake. Sambil makan, aku berdiskusi dengan temannya ayah yang bernama Om Hari, Tante Ani, dan Pak Sadwanto. Disana, aku senang karena, aku dapat berdiskusi dan bercerita tentang Agen Kesehatan yang akan aku wujudkan dalam sekolahku. Aku juga dapat bercerita tentang proses ekshibisiku. Dan, dari hasil diskusi ini, aku mendapat informasi dan masukan dari temannya ayah bahwa handel dulu 2 kelas atau 1 kelas agar tidak susah menghandelnya.Dan, bagus juka ideku kalau mau mempublikasikannya ke Mading Sekolah. Aku Senang sekali. Yang sebelah kanan adalah Tante Ani. Yang sebelah kiri adalah Om Hari.
· Pindah Hotel...
Setelah berenang, dan makan siang aku pindah hotel ke hotel “Sukajadi”. Disana, aku tidur siang karena lelah berenang. Lalu, malamnya aku makan di restoran di mall Paris Van Java. Setelah makan, aku pun beli sepatu khaki-kakiku yang flat dan berwarna tosca muda.
· Keesokan Harinya...
Hari ini aku akan pulang ke Bogor. Sebelum itu, aku akan pergi ke rumah Om Alam. Hari ini aku berfoto-foto di Hotel Sukajadi..Ini beberapa foto- nya. . Yang sebelah kiri aku dan bunda tersayang dan yang sebelah kanan aku. Yang harimau sebenarnya lukisan..hahahaa... aku yang foto...kl ada yang menarik langsung aku jeprat-jepret deh.. :-)

Ke Rumah Om Alam
Sebelum Pulang ke Bogor, aku ke rumah om Alam terlebih dahulu.Disana, aku main dakon dan sepak bola bersama Dek Anya dan Dek Shafa. Asyik sekali. Kami juga memberi makan burung pipit yang sarangnya jatuh di dekat tempat lesehan Om Alam. Setelah puas bermain, aku pun langsung pulang ke Bogor. Yang sebelah kanan dik Shafa yang sebelah kiri dik Aya yang sebelah kiri bawah alu dan dik Shafa yang tengah bawah kami bertiga.

Pulang Ke Bogor-Sampai di Bogor
Setelah berpamitan di rumah Om Alam, bunda, ayah, dan tentu saja aku pulang naik travel. Aku sampai rumah sekitar jam 11/12 malam. Dan dirumah aku langsung mandi, makan, dan tidur. Nyamannya...liburanku dengan meliburkan diri....
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